
ColdFusion 11 – Manually remove connector configuration

This post deals with removing connector residues on web-servers, IIS and Apache, if and when the wsconfig utility is not available for un-configuring existing connector configurations. Connector residues are left behind with incorrect uninstallation of ColdFusion Getting Started servers, or more simply, the ZIP Installers. The right way to get rid of a Getting Started […]


ColdFusion 11 – PDF Service prerequisites on Linux

If you are planning to use PDF services on a Linux box with ColdFusion 11, you would need a set of packages to be preinstalled, and would also need to import a set of fonts onto your machine. Though this is called out specifically in the Adobe Live Cycle Documentation, I decided to post a […]


The MySQL/Python Connector Saga

This post is written with Python 3.4 in consideration, and may, or may not apply to Python 2.x Numerous blogs / forums suggest umteen non-working solutions to get the MySQL Connector/Python to work. All I got out of those, is a wasted day, and this small little comment by ACyclic on StackOverFlow. A prerequisite for […]