
Speech Recognition ANE – Source

As a follow on for the Speech Recognition ANE I put up for download a while back, here is the a post to give out the source files. The source can be downloaded from my BitBucket repository. If you are looking for the compiled ANE instead, click here The contents of the zip archive are, […]


New ActionScript Native Extension – Speech Recognition

Here is a Speech Native Extension that takes advantage of the Android’s speech recognition APIs. Here is what the ANE does, Provide an API to check if the feature is supported. Provide an API to launch the default speech recognition UI and capture voice input. Trigger events based on the success or failure of the […]


Native Extensions – Flash Builder Webinar

I did a webinar last Wednesday on using Native Extensions with Flash Builder. The agenda covered an introduction to Native Extensions – Rather Actionscript Native Extensions, the workflow involved in using native extensions, followed by a live demo. For those of you who haven’t had the chance to attend, Here is the link to the […]


P2P Apps for Mobile Devices

This post is a follow up to my session at Adobe Flash Platform Summit 2011, Bangalore on the 28th of July. I spoke on Peer to Peer for Mobile Devices with the Flash Platform. Peer to Peer has been around for a long time now, but its not often you see apps making use of […]


Toast on AIR for Android

Here’s a component which behaves as a ‘Toast’ for AIR applications running on Android. The component can essentially be used across any Flex application, since it is an ActionScript class. For those of you who don’t know, Toast is the small transparent alert that pop’s up (and doesn’t block your UI) when u set an […]


Mime types for a Flex Server

Here are a couple of mime-types for a server housing flex apps, Most of these maybe already defined by your hosting provider ! AIR Mime-Type : application/vnd.adobe.air-application-installer-package+zip Extension : .air FXP Mime-Type : application/x-zip Extension : .fxp


Hello World for a Flex Starter

Here is a Flex Tutorial I’m writing for a couple of my friends. While the Videos on ‘Learn Flex in a week’ and “Test drive Flex in 1 hour” serve as good tutorials, here is an application I have attempted to build, which serves as an example for a developer trying out flex for the […]


Installing the AIR SDK on Flash Builder

Here is a set of steps you need to follow to configure a new SDK on Flash Builder 4. Download the AIR SDK 1) The latest SDK can be downloaded from here : 2) Navigate to /Flash_Builder_Installed_Folder/sdks 3) Find the folder named ‘4.0.0’ (Our Flex 4 SDK) and make a copy of it in […]


Flex – Validate Email Address against the Mail Server

Here is a small piece of code I wrote to demonstrate Interacting with a Command, through an Event while using a Cairngorm Framework. The application connects to a WSDL webservice via Flash Builder 4 Data/Services to validate an Email address against the Email Server. Doesn’t work well with domains with a ‘Catch-All’ email address though […]


Flex Cairngorm – Interacting with a Command, through an Event

Cairngorm is a lightweight micro-architecture framework for Rich Internet Applications built in Flex or AIR, defining best-practices for a RIA. Read More When a Cairngorm command requires parameters to call the required delegate, a common (bad) practice is to fetch parameters from View Components / Calculate or Query from inside the Cairngorm Command, and end […]