
ColdFusion and Nginx

Nginx is that popular webserver that’s been increasingly eating up the webserver market share. Wikipedia says over 30% of the top 100K sites run on Nginx. The Nginx wiki speaks of the webserver as a high-performance HTTP server and reverse proxy, as well as an IMAP/POP3 proxy server. The most striking feature of Nginx though, […]


Busting the HTTP Error 500.19 on ColdFusion 11 + IIS

Here’s a little trouble shooting tip to bust an IIS HTTP Error 500.19 (Internal Server Error) that may pop up when IIS is configured with ColdFusion 11. The error mostly occurs when IIS is unable to interpret configurations specified in the web.config file. In this post I speak about fixing a specific cause of a […]


ColdFusion 11 Hot Fix 1 and Connectors

There it is! Hotfix 1 – The first update for ColdFusion 11. The technote detailing the release is here, The update packs a handful of fixes to critical bugs, with two of them being on the connector. I will be detailing these two fixes here, IIS worker process hangs when IIS site config is […]


Speaking at, CFSummit 2014

It’s that time of the year when the ColdFusion community huddles up at Vegas! ColdFusion Summit 2014. If you are a web designer, developer, strategist, or thought leader, ColdFusion Summit provides the perfect forum to exchange ideas and experiences. Its an opportunity to interact with ColdFusion experts, domain leaders, and peers, and learn about the […]