
Flash 10.1 performance – Apple VS Android

Before I start, spend a few seconds going though the links as you come across them. The Adobe VS Apple war doesn’t seem to get over. We have seen official websites taking offensive & defensive sides, numerous forums and blogs reasoning their opinion and jokes from presenters at developer conferences (Yes I mean Vic Gundotra […]


Google’s foray into Internet-Dom

Google, a search based company. A defining tag for Google until 3 years back. What would you call it now with Operating Systems, Mobile OS’s, Programming Languages, Web Protocols, Email Redefinitions, An Architect UI for Image Search, VOIP under its belt? Here is a list of few of Google’s latest products., Chormium OS – The […]


Maps : Zoom into appropriate location

Visitors end up seeing the entire world on the map when GeoCoordinates are not available. There are two ways to combat this, Either position map (calculate longitude) based on the timezone from system date, The entire map is still seen, but the map is positioned with the visitors location at the center. Below is the […]